About - Harrogate Studio


Harrogate Studio


The larger Harrogate studio looks set to become a mecca for health and fitness enthusiasts old and young, offering daily classes and workshops in yoga and Pilates along with kitchen and rest area where people can simply relax and enjoy the healing ambiance.

On the ground floor shop-front, Ebru’s own branded boutique fitness clothing is on sale, featuring quality leggings, vests, hoodies and bras designed to be ‘Activewear for Anywhere’.

On the second floor, state-of-the-art reformer and apparatus Pilates are in place alongside space for working with clients requiring specialist therapy for conditions such as lower back, scoliosis, arthritis and osteoporosis.  It also features beautifully appointed showers and changing rooms.

The airy third floor provides space for yoga and Pilates classes with 30 mats and underfloor heating perfect for Savasana in comfort.




01423 391201